American Eagle Outfitters wanted to elevate their brand in a way that celebrated individual style with diversity, inclusiveness & optimism. They needed a partner to help concept their seasonal narratives to set up a creative platform that AEO could execute across the retail landscape with their creative department.

We assembled an in-house production team specifically to service this account that was equipped to produce creative concepts; direct, shoot & edit video content; capture photography for uses like store windows; and build interactive digital experiences.


April Fool’s Day Stunt

Our Client asked for April Fool's Day stunt ideas. We came up with the idea for the Skinny Skinny and it had a huge response.


Production Power of Audrey

Here are a few videos made by our in-house production team, a DBA known as, “Audrey”. The young people featured were ordinary folks who won the chance to be models in American Eagle’s 2013 campaign. Our creative team was on site at the retail shoots directing, styling and interviewing the talent.


Photographer: Anthony Shea.
Our internal team set out to design an online experience, but AEO liked what Anthony captured more than what their own photographer got, and put his series in store windows nationwide.


The Pitch Video

The best part about working on AEO was the team at Arnold. This was written and directed and produced by Nathan Laver, DeMane Davis & Allie Hughes. It captured the insight that drove all of the pitch creative, and set us up well for winning the business.


Able Made


AnyKey Pride