Hacking Arnold into the Future

My pathway into advertising was weird, I came in through the interactive door in 2000, when everything was new and process hadn’t yet taken hold of advertising and digital. Yet, by the time 2007 rolled around, the routine around digital was fairly predictable and I saw a clear opportunity to create space inside the agency for exploring new technologies + interactive concepts for brands that Arnold serviced. After working with the creative technologist and designer who would staff the lab, I pitched the idea to our creative ops lead and then to the Managing Partners, and the Arnold R&D Lab was born (a few short months before my first daughter arrived).

The purpose of this lab was to inspire internal teams with experiments and prototypes that pushed beyond traditional advertising and online marketing techniques. The most effective use of this unit was to invite Clients from the agency roster to experience the Lab's hardware and software prototypes and imagine how their brands could engage consumers using these creative and unique approaches to interactivity.

The R&D Lab produced projects for brands like Southern Comfort, Jack Daniels, Carnival, truth®, Legacy, Citizens Bank plus an interactive beer vending machine named, Arnie.

Legacy (now truth initiative) asked us to design an experience to engage participants of the 2012 Aspen Ideas Festival and illustrate the wide variety of work the foundation executes to educate the public about the tobacco industry’s cost to society. Our team designed and installed an immersive digital experience on the Aspen Institute campus in CO. The installation featured an interactive Bodega that provided information about the state of the tobacco industry and it’s health effects and marketing practices, a touch screen experience that detailed Legacy’s many research initiatives and campaigns, and also an oxygen bar with couches so that guests could relax between sessions. We collaborated with The Butler Bros on the tobacco facts data visualizations.

These people made it awesome.


Todd Vanderlin, Ryan Habbyshaw, Allison Waters, Pete Favat, Emily Gobielle, Nick Hardeman, Anthony Stellato, Alicia Foor, Maria Lee, Allie Hughes, Lauren Licherdell, Natalie Porto & John Raftery.




Tony Hawk's Proving Ground